Greenwood Colliery, Minooka

Greenwood Colliery, Minooka

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wedding of Jennie Loughney to James Timlin

7 Jun 1901

Rev. Father McHale, of Pittston, officiated yesterday morning at the marriage of Miss Jennie Loughney, of this city, to James Timlin, of Taylor, at St Joseph’s church Minooka. The bridesmaid was Miss Kathryn O’Malley and the groom was attended by his brother George. The Bride wore steel-colored silk, with white trimming, and Miss O’Malley was attired in white organdie. After a reception at the bride’s home, Mr. and Mrs. Timlin left the city on their wedding tour.

The Scranton Tribune., June 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

St. Joseph's church, Minooka, was the scene of a very pretty wedding at 10 30 a. m yesterday morning, when Mr. James F. Timlin, one of our most popular young men, and Miss Mary J. Loughney were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. McHale, of Pittston. The bride and her attendant, Miss Sadie O'Malley, were handsomely attired and presented a most charming appeal -mice. The groomsman was Thomas McLaughlin, of Avoca. After the ceremony congratulations were extended the newly wedded couple, and later they repaired to the bride's home where a wedding dinner was served Mr. and Mrs. Timlin departed for the Pan-American exposition and other places of interest.

Contributed by John Loughney

Entertainment for Ancient Order of Hibernians

The Scranton tribune., March 12, 1898, Morning, 

The program for the entertainment of Division No. 2C, Ancient Order of Hibernians, for St. Patrick's night at Manley hall as follows: Piano solo, Miss Rose Farrell; solo, P. J. Quinn, Minooka; solo, Miss Jennie Loughney, Minooka; recitation, U. AA. Dillon; violin solo, Miss May Murphy; solo, Miss Mamie Niland, Green Ridge; solo, Thomas McDonald; recitation and club swinging, Essie Burke; solo, Edward Scott; solo, Edward Kelley, South Side; duet, Misses Sarah Keeney, Margaret McNulty, Minooka; recitation, Miss Ella Dougherty; buck and wing dancing, John Kelley, Dickson; solo, Miss Sadie Dougherty; solo, John J. McDonald; solo, J, L. Fitzsimmons; violin solo, John Kelley, Dickson; solo, Harry Yeager, of Yeager and mix minstrels; recitation In Irish, R. I. Scott.

Contributed by John Loughney

Reception for Ladies Auxiliary of St. Aloysius Society

The Scranton Tribune, May 26, 1897, Morning,
One of the prettiest and most sociable events of the season was the May reception given by the members of the Ladies Auxiliary, St. Aloysius society, in the Sarsfleld Opera house on Friday evening. The pretty auditorium was gayly bedecked with flowers and plants and the costumes of the ladles blended in harmony with the delicate colorings of the surroundings. The members of the organization left nothing undone to make the affair a grand success. John Buckley acted as chairman and made a few opening remarks, after which the following programme was rendered: Vocal solo Anthony Ryder; solo, Miss Lizzie Hines; recitation, Miss Mame Murphy, Archbald; duet, Misses Loughney and Fitzhenry, Minooka; recitation, William Jennings. Supper was immediately served in the club rooms, during which time the Columbian orchestra led the merry dancers on the upper floor.,  Page 10, Image 10

The Scranton Tribune., October 20, 1899, Morning,

A very pleasant surprise party was tendered to Miss Nellie Loughney last evening at her home on Main Street. Miss Loughney is one of the most popular you ladies in the town and Minooka swell society was out in force celebrate the event.;words=MINOOKA+Loughney?date1=1836&date2=1922&searchType=advanced&lccn=sn84026355&proxdistance=5&rows=20&ortext=&proxtext=&phrasetext=loughney&andtext=minooka&dateFilterType=yearRange&index=4, Page 8, Image 8

Contributed by John Loughney

Social for Benefit of Minooka Baseball Club

The Scranton Tribune, January 26, 1897, Page 7, Image 7


The much heralded entertainment and social for the benefit of the Minooka baseball club will take place tomorrow evening at the Father Mathew hall, and it is expected the patrons of the game will assist the boys to make the affair a success. The following program will rendered: Opening selection, Professor T. R. Davis; vocal solo, Miss Mary J. Loughney; duet, Misses Hart and Curran; vocal solo, Miss Agnes Coyne, comic song, T F. Walsh; recitation, Miss Celia Dunleavy, sentimental songs, Patrick Burke, vocal solo, Miss Jennie Burke; song and dance, Messrs. McDonald and McCann, comic recitation, William Jennings, vocal solo. Miss Katie Donahue; vocal solo, Miss Winifred Melvin; duet, Misses Barrett and Kenny; vocal solo, Miss Lizzie Cooke, vocal solo, David McDonald, vocal solo, Miss May Cooke, comic song, L T. Ketrick, duet, Messrs. Daniel and William Jones; selections, Mr. M. J. Coyne; topical songs, Con. Carbon, of Wilkes-Bane. Admission 23 cents.

Contributed by John Loughney

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Obituary of Thomas Loughney, Minooka Pioneer

Minooka, October 26, 1908

Thomas Loughney, one of pioneer residents of Minooka, died at 11:30 yesterday after a three week illness [of walking pneumonia]. The deceased was able to be about his home and his many friends, while knowing of his illness, did not think his condition serious. Mr. Loughney was born in Ireland, and came to this country when a young man and for forty-five years has been a resident of Minooka. For the past two years, or since he abandoned the mines, where he worked as a miner for many years, he had been a street foreman under the street commissioners. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs John Murrin of West Scranton; John and Patrick. The funeral will take place Monday morning with a requiem mass in St. Joseph's church, at nine o'clock. interment in St Joseph's cemetery. 

Contributed by John Loughney