Greenwood Colliery, Minooka

Greenwood Colliery, Minooka

Friday, May 1, 2020

1897 - Prelude to Strikes of 1900 and 1902 - Burke and Toole Testify - Terrence Powderly Visits Scranton

May 20, 1897 – Times-Tribune

Labor’s Ex-leader the First Witness
Hon. T. V. Powderly Before the Mine Commission Today
(Terrence Powderly was the former head of the Knights of Laborer (pre United Mine Workers union).

“Mr. Powderly was of the opinion that one of the chief causes of the present condition of the mining population was the improved machinery for the mining of coal, increasing the output, and at the same time, reducing the amount of labor. Another reason, which is rarely taken into consideration, was the gas stove, which is used to a surprising great extent in New York City and all throughout the Eastern cities.” (He also mentioned increased use of bicycles in the cities.)

“Powderly started that there has been a great deal of suffering among the miners of Scranton during the past winter by reason of their inability to secure work.

“Patrick B. Calpin of Bellevue, a laborer in the Oxford mine of the DL&W stated he was an inside laborer and got $2.20 per day for ten hours. He averaged ten or twelve days a month this year. His average pay per month has been $17 or $18. He cannot support his family as he desires on the amount of his wages. He testified that there is destitution and want among the miners of the vicinity.