Greenwood Colliery, Minooka

Greenwood Colliery, Minooka

Mud Run Train Wreck - Photos and Sketches of Wreck

Cover of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly
Activated torpedo on the track

Sketch from Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly
Bodies are being removed from Section 6 and laid out on the platform

Photo of the last two cars of Section 6 that were telescoped by the lead engine of Section 7. The train was placed on a siding where the photo was taken. The hole was left by the engine of Section 7.
Photo of the wrecking crew of the Lehigh Valley Railroad taken on the day after the wreck. The crew worked through the night to remove all damaged carriages from the tracks so that commerce could resume.

Jersey Central Railroad passenger car - The type that was wrecked at Mud Run.

Elmira Telegraph Sketch of Wreck

Elmira Telegraph - Passengers helping to rescue trapped passengers

Elmira Telegraph - Rescuing passengers

Elmira Telegraph - Waiting for the funeral train at Pleasant Valley
Elmira Telegraph - Viewing the bodies at the Pleasant Valley Railroad Station

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